Cookie Policy

This cookie policy aims to inform users about the nature of the cookies used on the website, hereinafter referred to as the site and is updated with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Cookies are small text files and are stored on the terminal of the user who visits a specific website, each website contains certain cookies. Cookies are useful to allow an even better browsing experience on the website. They are used to speed up login authentication, to store and retrieve information on the user’s browsing habits or the device used. This information is generally treated anonymously.
The site, therefore, uses cookies that are stored on the user’s device and are of a technical or third-party type. The site does not currently use profiling cookies.

Technical and third-party cookies 
The site uses technicians, specifically the regulation they have for the purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service strictly requested by the subscriber or by the user to provide this service “(see Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code). The technical cookies on the site may be session or persistent. Session cookies are temporary cookies that last until the user closes the browser.

Persistent cookies are instead stored on the user’s device and last until their expiration, alternatively until the user deletes them. These cookies are essential for correct navigation within the site and to take advantage of all its features. The site also uses third-party cookies, managed or by third parties that are created and subject to external domains. The site has no control over these cookies. Third-party cookies are divided into the necessary categories:

  • Necessary cookies for the proper functioning of some areas of the site.
  • Performance cookies, which are those that collect information anonymously about how many visitors use the site and allow you to know how many visitors interact with the site, providing information about areas visited, time spent and any problems encountered.

As per the indications of the Privacy Guarantor, “in the event that a site content the transmission also of third-party cookies, the information and the acquisition of consent are the responsibility of the third party.”

  • Functionality cookies, i.e. those that improve the visitor’s experience of the site and that can store information such as language, in order to provide the user with functions and personalized.


Third-party cookie used by the Google Analytics site

Google Analytics The site uses Google Analytics to anonymously track the number of visits, the pages visited, the time users stay on a specific page. Gooogle Fonts Google Fonts is a font style display service operated by Google Inc.

Other Cookies

The site uses direct access buttons to social and may use “like” or “share” buttons that contain links to Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram. The use of these buttons involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites operated by these parties, to whose information and use of data is referred to the sites themselves and specifically in the sites of the buttons present or that will be present within the site.

How to disable cookies 

If the user does not decide to accept cookies, some functions, services or features of the site may not be available. If the user wishes to disable third party cookies, once accepted, he/she must directly access the browser settings at the addresses indicated below:


For the privacy policy, please refer to the privacy policy page.